Conserving Land North of the Alaska Range

For the benefit of our community

The Interior Alaska Land Trust (IALT) is a private, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, started in 1995. We work with Interior Alaska landowners to protect, acquire or manage natural, scenic, recreational, agricultural, historic, or cultural aspects of property.

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Our Commitment to Conservation

Land trusts can be found in every state. There are more than 1,600 of them, some over 100 years old. There are seven in Alaska alone. Land trusts have protected over 12 million acres of land in the U.S. They are mostly local organizations, although there is a national organization, the Land Trust Alliance, that provides professional support. In every case, land trusts work only with willing land owners, and support land issues that are important to their own communities.

Serving Our Community

The Interior Alaska Land Trust serves several purposes in the Fairbanks area. Continuing development throughout the community has brought attention to land use issues. The pace of building, though not at frantic as during pipeline days, is beginning to turn the last remaining undeveloped areas into small pockets, and cutting up trails and greenways that people thought were protected.

Private land that people acquired 30 or more years ago has increased tremendously in value. Often these are large parcels, and their owners find that their heirs would be required to sell some of the land just to pay the inheritance taxes. In these cases, the Interior Alaska Land Trust can hold an easement on the land, reducing its estate tax value, protecting open space, or connecting greenways and trails.

Upcoming Events


Board Meetings

*Usually First Wednesday of the Month @ 6:00 p.m.

If you would like to attend, which we encourage, please contact Owen Guthrie (

Join our monthly meetings for the latest projects and news. Members and the public are welcome.

Cripple Creek Restoration Project

The Interior Alaska Land Trust, in partnership with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, studied the restoration feasibility of Cripple Creek in the lower Chena River watershed for almost a decade. Careful analysis determined that the restoration of Cripple Creek and improvements to its fish passages will improve overall juvenile Chinook Salmon rearing habitat within the Chena River Watershed. After years of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, restoring Cripple Creek fortuitously became possible and began in the spring of 2017. As of September 2020, the final culvert has been installed and the creek channel link-up is concluded! More exciting work on the new Chinook Conservation Park coming in Summer 2021.

Thanks to Our Partners, Sponsors & Members!

REI Co-op logo
US Fish and Wildlife Service logo
Northern Alaska Environmental Center logo