
In 2001, H.O. Williams and Jane Williams donated approximately 70 acres to the Interior Alaska Land Trust, just east of the intersection that forms the center of the town of Central. The property has the remnants of the historic Central Roadhouse, and still speaks of the early history of the homesteaders of the area. The land includes beautiful riparian forests of big spruce, birch and poplar trees, scattered with bluegrass and wild-rose meadows. Crooked Creek, a small stream locally known for its fishing, and its potential for flooding, runs through the property. The land provides wildlife habitat, open space in the middle of Central, and also acts as natural flood control by absorbing and containing the creek when it overflows its banks.

The Williams have maintained a home in Central for years, and have enjoyed the land, the woods, and the creeks of the area. They wanted to see this part of their property remain in its natural condition, while allowing conservation, educational and recreational activities. Their vision for the property is to have it used by people who will enjoy its conservation values and protect them. It is a piece of property with many resources, and its protection will benefit the people of Central, and those that visit there. The Interior Alaska Land Trust is very grateful to the Williams for their generosity and long-term vision.